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Showing posts from March, 2020

DIY Model Horse Trophies

I found some mini, magnetic chess pieces yesterday, and I got instantly inspired to make them into trophies for my model horses.  I have no idea where you'd buy these, but they're really cute! (I only found 1 black piece but 8 white ones😂) As you can see, there are tiny magnets on the bottom so that they can click onto magnetic chess board.  I could have easily just made these, and not document the process, but I'm trying to get into this blogging thing, so I thought it would be fun to do a tutorial!  What You'll Need: ~Cosmetic Wedges (optional) ~Mod Podge (or any type of paint sealer) ~Acrylic Paint ~Paintbrushes ~Mini Chess Pieces (or you can sculpt some out of clay) ~Protective Surface  And then I painted the top gold. I started by painting the base of one of the tiny chess pieces with a 'cashmere tan' color. The gold paint was really transparent so I had to do multiple coats...

Welcome to my new blog!

Hi everyone! My name is Kaycee, and you might know me from my Instagram , and my tack shop, TNT TACK . I seriously started collecting model horses in November of 2018 and I have enjoyed every minute of it. Currently I have 60+ models in all scales, but my main focus is, Schleich. I'm sure you've heard of Desktop Stables , and her love for horses, in miniature! When I first found Nichelle's blog, I was astonished with the craftsmanship of her work, and also the inspiring and comical posts. To this day, I enjoy reading her BreyerWest updates, and seeing her experimental tack pieces.  In honor of this, I wanted to give back to the model horse community and share some of my knowledge to hopefully inspire some collectors just like Nichelle did for me! Be sure to share my blog with your horsey friends, and maybe drop a comment down below.  That's a wrap! ~Kaycee😁